Guidance for your

Not for profit

We understand the importance of your mission and your drive to bring change to the communities and challenges you face.

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Fund-raising is important but so is investing your donations, grant proceeds and other monies appropriately so that you can fund larger projects and reach long-term financial sustainability for your organization. 

Along the way, we help you answer the big questions that come with managing your Not for profit.

  • How much cash reserves should we have?

  • What type of accounts are appropriate for us?

  • How can we invest in companies that align with our values?

Tasha M's Story

Everett K.

We are incredibly grateful to XML Financial Group for their invaluable support in our financial planning efforts. As a nonprofit, managing our finances effectively is crucial for sustaining our mission and continuing to have a positive impact on the community. XML took the time to understand our goals and provided tailored solutions that aligned with our vision. Their ongoing support and guidance continue to empower us to make informed decisions that enhance our capacity to fund pediatric cancer research and programs.

Actual client. No compensation, cash or otherwise, was provided for said testimonial. No conflicts of interest exist between the client and the Advisor/XML.

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